Advanced Chinese Listening I
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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Advanced Chinese Listening I

Артикул: 36306
2022 руб
Li Mingqi, Wang Yan
2013 (09)
Кол-во страниц
книга, МР3
Название на китайском языке
Страна печати
В корзину
Категории: Аудирование,

Listening to Chinese (2nd Edition) is a set of textbooks compiled for adult Chinese language students to improve their listening skills. Based on the first edition, it has replaced the outdated language data and added after-class exercises referring to the outline of the new HSK. This series is divided into three levels, elementary, intermediate and advanced, for students having learned 500-5000 Chinese words to choose the right levels according to their Chinese proficiency. 
This is Book 1 of the advanced level. It has altogether 12 lessons in three units. Each unit is composed of four lessons and followed by a unit test. Each lesson includes the “intensive listening part”(including the words, texts and warm-up exercises for the new HSK) and the “extensive listening part” (can be used as the selective or supportive teaching materials). Each lesson is usually finished within 4-6 class hours.
The texts in this book are close to reality, covering a wide range of topics; its questions are diverse in form and moderate in the degree of difficulty. It can increase and stimulate students’ interest, helping them gradually improve their listening skills. Based on the outline of the new HSK Level 6, the exercises can be used to test how well students have understood the recording materials, and to develop their comprehensive analysis skills, expressive skills and linguistic sensitivity. 
This book is also accompanied by Listening Scripts and Reference Answers and a CD.


Li Mingqi works as an Associate Professor and Supervisor of Master candidates of Shandong University. His research areas focus on TCFL, language evaluation and multimedia teaching. Wang Yan works as an Associate Professor and Supervisor of Master candidates of Shandong University. She is now the Director of College of International Education, Shandong University.

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