Business Chinese Conversation (4th Edition) vol.2 [Advanced]
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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Business Chinese Conversation (4th Edition) vol.2 [Advanced]

Артикул: 52245
2758 руб
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This is Book 2 of Business Chinese Conversation (Advanced) (4th Edition). Targeted at learners with advanced Chinese proficiency, this is a highly professional book focusing on business life. Apart from teaching Chinese for commodity science, it stresses the teaching of China’s national conditions and business culture.

The book employs a language style of colloquial prose and shows features of spoken language textbooks in the design of exercises. Each lesson is divided into four parts: text, new words, notes, and exercises. The exercises fall into three sections: conversation practice based on the text; vocabulary practice, Q & A, and discussions; reading an essay, which usually tells a lively and fun story. Learning these linguistic and cultural tips is beneficial to business communication and management. The English translation of the texts at the end of the book aims to help students better understand and use Chinese. With abundant materials, this book provides spacious room for both teachers and students. Students can learn on their own initiative, and teachers can be flexible in their teaching, too.

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