Chinese Paradise—Companion Reader Level 3
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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Chinese Paradise—Companion Reader Level 3

Артикул: 53686
7142 руб
Center for Studies and Development of Textbooks for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) of Beijing Language and Culture University
2019 (1)
9789620429699, 9787561953686
Кол-во страниц
Название на китайском языке
汉语乐园同步阅读 第3级
Страна печати
В корзину

Chinese Paradise—Companion Reader is a series of readers based on the textbooks of Chinese Paradise (2nd edition). There are six levels in total, with 12 books in each level. Levels 1-3 correspond to YCT 1-2, and Levels 4-6 correspond to YCT 3-4.


Chinese Paradise—Companion Reader (Level 3) includes 12 books:

It’s so Warm

What’s the Weather like

I Can Swim

I Like Listening to Music

What Do You Want to Buy

How Much

What Classes Will You Have Tomorrow

What Are You Doing

Go Left

How Shall We Go There

Happy Birthday

Happy New Year


Each book tells an interesting Chinese story and provides audio recording, explanations of new words, simulated YCT exercises, and English translation. The story makes good use of the vocabulary and sentence patterns in the textbook and is characterized by simple language and lively pictures. It gives young readers wings, taking them on a journey of fascinating reading while helping them consolidate what they’ve learned in the textbook. Small surprises are hidden in the pictures waiting for young readers to discover.


Chinese Paradise—Companion Reader (Level 3) is provided with MPR reading. Users can scan the QR code to listen to or download the audio files.

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