Graded Chinese Reader 500 Words - Book with 1CD and Pinyin Card
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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Graded Chinese Reader 500 Words - Book with 1CD and Pinyin Card

Артикул: 03458
1574 руб
Shi Ji
Кол-во страниц
Книга, аудио (скачивается по ссылке, предоставленной издательством)
Страна печати
Основной жанр книги
Изучение иностранных языков
Печатная книга: Книга для чтения на иностранном языке
Тип обложки
Мягкая обложка
В корзину

This is the fourth book of the Graded Chinese Reader series tailoring for foreigner Chinese language learners at new HSK Level 2 & 3 or above. The book can both serve as a Chinese reading textbook and also an after-school extensive reading material. It includes 15 award-winning mini-stories from China. The book has the following features: 
1.Abridged versions of mini-stories written by contemporary Chinese writers, reflecting the everyday lives of ordinary Chinese people; 
2.The vocabulary in this book consists of 500 essential Chinese words, which are mainly chosen based on the first 500 Chinese words of the 1,500 high frequency words in the International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education (2008). The book also includes some of the 600 Chinese words of the Chinese Proficiency Test Syllabus Level 3 (2009). The 500 high frequency words along with some new HSK Level 3 words that appear in the book are all included in the glossary; 
3.Commonly used words appear in high frequency to form concise and short sentences with complete structure; 
4.Pinyin is added to the complete text, English notes or sample sentences for difficult words and sentences are provided; 
The same side note may appear again in the following articles to facilitate readers who want to choose an article of interest from those offered . 
5.Guide to Reading and About the Author in English, and Questions in Chinese are 
provided for each story; 
6.Accompanied by original illustrations and a CD in MP3 format.

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