I Am a Medical Student: Preclinical Medicine Chinese Textbook1
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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I Am a Medical Student: Preclinical Medicine Chinese Textbook1

Артикул: 61100
2838 руб
Zhu Ruilei, ZhenZhen
Кол-во страниц
Chinese / English
В корзину
Категории: Наука

I Am a Medical Student: Preclinical Medicine Chinese is a series of integrated medical Chinese textbooks for beginners studying medical science in China under the guidance of the concept of "Chinese + medicine". It combines the learning of daily Chinese with the improvement of HSK test-taking ability, and combines medical knowledge with social and cultural knowledge, so as to achieve the teaching goal of integrating Chinese, medicine and culture.

Under the guidance of "Chinese + medicine" principle, I Am a Medical Student: Preclinical Medicine Chinese is a series of integrated medical Chinese textbooks, compiled based on Chinese Proficiency Test Syllabus, Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education and Medical Chinese Test (MCT) Syllabus. The teaching materials focus on improving learners' ability to use Chinese for communication in daily life and in the hospital scene, and also focus on improving learners' cultural literacy and professional quality of doctors.

This set of textbooks is mainly suitable for international preclinical medical students who are the very beginners of Chinese language, and also for: (1) medical students who come to China to study clinical medicine; (2) medical students who come to China to study traditional Chinese medicine; (3) medical experts working in China and medical students for short-term training; (4) international medical students with Chinese learning needs.

We suggest that teachers use 6-8 hours to complete each lesson of this set of textbooks. If there are 8 lessons per week, 16 weeks per semester, one volume could be completed per semester.

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