International Business (2nd Edition)
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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International Business (2nd Edition)

Артикул: 97131
2406 руб
Forestry Army, Liu Xia
Tsinghua University Press
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The present book systematically introduces the international business of the basic theory and method. The book is divided into 24 chapters, to China, why should companies go the globalization of the road, how to take the globalization of the road through the full text. The book first introduces the concept of globalization, the description of the States in the process of globalization of competition and cooperation; and then to explain International Trade and International Finance, International Settlement and the international basic mode, risk management, business process, etc.; from the international business strategy, cross-cultural management, business ethics, business risk and production activities, marketing, human resources management, financial management, R&D, research and development, management and other aspects are discussed in the international business operations. The book provides a large number of international business related case, the teaching of micro-videos, and various forms of that test that practice, reflection questions, and is attached to reading in English literature, so that readers understand and consolidate the knowledge. The book focuses on the practical and operational, to help readers apply what they learn. This book can be used as Universities International Business, International Economics and trade, Finance, and Business Administration, Marketing, Business and other professional senior, a textbook and a reference book also available for the relevant field of business and decision-making managers reference.

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