Introduction to Comprehensive Chinese Course Books for International Learners
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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Introduction to Comprehensive Chinese Course Books for International Learners

Артикул: 46473
2086 руб
Ni Mingliang
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  • Book Description

Introduction to Comprehensive Chinese Course Books for International Learners is Book 3 in the series of "Studies on International Chinese Education". It is composed of three parts, i.e., the introduction, the discussions on the course books and the conclusion. It has ten chapters, each including the introduction, the questions and the exercises. This book illustrates the current development and features of comprehensive Chinese course books, analyzes the new features for their development, and the challenges they are going to face in the future. It also emphatically analyzes the development trends and characteristics of the comprehensive Chinese course books, the Chinese course books for kids and teenagers, the localized Chinese course books, business Chinese course books, Chinese course books for travelers, Chinese course books for science and technology, Chinese course books for medical science and other course books. Besides these, it discusses such items as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, cultural points, and layout in the major course books. 

  • About the Author

Ni Mingliang is an associate professor in the College of Chinese Studies, Beijing Language and Culture University. He has been devoted to the studies of TCFL and the Chinese course books for nearly 30 years and has good insights into various types of Chinese course books, especially the comprehensive Chinese course books. He published On Comprehensive Chinese Course Books (Texts & Charts), On Comprehensive Course Books: Business Chinese (Texts & Charts) and other books.

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