The Series of Practical Chinese: The Prompt Understanding of Measure Words
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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The Series of Practical Chinese: The Prompt Understanding of Measure Words

Артикул: 12058
750 руб 1290 руб
He Jie
2003 (06)
Страна печати
Тип носителя
Печатная книга
Основной жанр книги
Изучение иностранных языков
Печатная книга: Бизнес-литература
Тип обложки
Мягкая обложка
В корзину
Категории: Распродажа,

Measure words, a unique feature of the Han-Tibetan language family, are difficult to learn and use for foreigners. For this reason, this book has been designed to enable learners to use them correctly and appropriately in the daily communication.
The Prompt Understanding of Measure Words is a supplementary textbook of the course of elementary Chinese as well as a small dictionary, which can be used by foreigners in the everyday intercourse. A part from the beginners and those with knowledge of elementary Chinese, it is also suitable for foreign employees and other foreigners.
The book covers 157 common measure words in the following four categories: measure words for nouns, measure words for verbs, double-function measure words and compound measure words.  However, the focus has been put on the measure words for nouns, which consist of individual, collective, partial, container and temporary measure words.
The book has been arranged in the following way. The basic meanings of each measure word are followed by usage explanations and English translations. Moreover, typical examples of collocations, phrases, expressions used in special situations, or notes are arranged according to the needs of various measure words. "Collocations of Measure Words and Nouns" and "A Chinese and English Bilingual List of Basic Measure Words" are furnished at the end of this book so that it can be easily used.
This book is excellent in both pictures and language, characterized with a lively style, striving to attain the perfect integration of practicality, interest and scientific characteristics.

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