You and Me 1 - Learning Chinese Overseas: Workbook
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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You and Me 1 - Learning Chinese Overseas: Workbook

Артикул: 37686
1370 руб
Han Yuguo
2014 (02)
Кол-во страниц
книга, CD-ROM
Название на китайском языке
Страна печати
В корзину
Категории: You and Me,

You and Me is a new-type Chinese crash course book targeted at Confucius Institutes in Europe and the US, catering to the need of international Chinese education. It is suitable for adults with no experience of learning Chinese. It is the result of one of the major projects of BLCU’s ResearchCenter Chinese  Languages. 
The book is divided into two volumes, respectively corresponding to Levels 1-2 in ChineseLanguage Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages issued by Hanban. Set in a Confucius Institute overseas, Volume 1 “Learning Chinese Overseas” passes on and shows to students such themes and contents as everyday Chinese conversation, personal information, daily life, work, study, and career planning. In Volume 2 “Learning Chinese in China”, the main characters are taking short-term courses in the College of Chinese Studies in a Chinese university, and the themes and contents, including life services, human and environment, feelings and plans, etc., are displayed through what they see, hear and feel in China. With 8 units in each volume and 2 lessons in each unit, the two volumes have 32 lessons in total. Each volume of textbook is supported by a workbook and a teacher’s book. All the directions and explanations in the textbook are written in English, illustrated by plenty drawings and images. An MP3 CD comes with the textbook.
This is the workbook supporting Textbook 1. 
In the workbook, each lesson is composed of four parts—“Chinese-English Language Interaction”, Speech Sounds and Chinese Characters/Chinese Characters and Words”, “Grammar and Communication” and “Writing of Chinese Characters”, each part containing more than two types of exercises, mainly for reinforcement and communication. A model test is provided after every two units.


Han Yuguo, PhD in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, is an associate professor in the College of Intensive Chinese Training of BLCU, and a researcher in BLCU’s Research Center for Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. Mr. Han’s research focuses on the interface between syntax and semantics in modern Chinese, and the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language.

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