Analysis of Errors of Foreign Students in Learning Chinese Grammar(Reprinted Edition)
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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Analysis of Errors of Foreign Students in Learning Chinese Grammar(Reprinted Edition)

Артикул: 57653
1446 руб
Li Dazhong
2020 (11)
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This book chooses the most common errors that intermediate-level/advanced-level international Chinese students are prone to make and difficult to correct themselves from a large number of errors, and classify the grammar points into 30 types (corresponding to the 30 chapters of this book). It makes detailed descriptions and comprehensive comparisons of all kinds of errors, so as to clearly reveal the causes of the errors, and find the most targeted teaching strategies to correct them.


Li Dazhong, a teacher of Renmin University of China, has been engaged in teaching Chinese as a foreign language for a long time and conducting the error analysis research on foreigners learning Chinese. He has also offered courses on the error analysis of grammar for many years.


1. Pertinence

This book chooses the most common errors that intermediate-level/advanced-level international Chinese students are prone to make and difficult to correct themselves. Through error analysis, teachers can learn students’ error types and causes, thus providing further guidance to classroom teaching.

2. Practicality

The grammar items chosen in this book are common ones among international students. As a result, the book is useful for teachers to correct grammar errors, and teachers can get effective teaching inspirations from it. 


For international Chinese language teachers, undergraduates and graduates majoring in international Chinese language education.

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