Graded Readers for Chinese Language Learners (Level 3) 12: The Story of Sun Bin
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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Graded Readers for Chinese Language Learners (Level 3) 12: The Story of Sun Bin

Артикул: 54508
958 руб
Chen Xianchun
2019 (05)
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For foreign learners of Chinese, overseas children of Chinese origin, ethnic minority students studying Chinese in China, and Chinese primary school students who have learned 1200 Chinese characters.


Sun Bin and Pang Juan were both apprentices of Guiguzi, but Sun was far more talented than Pang. When Pang became a general of the State of Wei, he was afraid that Sun would serve another state as a general, which would be a threat to himself, so he lured Sun to Wei and had Sun’s feet chopped off. Later Sun fled to the State of Qi and became the military counselor for Tian Ji. With Sun’s help, Tian won two victories over Pang, which led to Pang's suicide.


Chen Xianchun is a professor at Beijing Language and Culture University who has engaged in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language since 1975, equipped with rich Chinese teaching experience. Professor Chen has made profound research into the teaching of Chinese reading and has published, in addition to more than 20 academic papers, many monographs and textbooks such as Teaching Reading and Psychology, Typical Characters and Events in Chinese Culture, A Primer on Modern Chinese Reading, An Intensive Chinese Course, and Read This Way.

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