Graded Readers for Chinese Language Learners (Level 3) 19: The Story of Xiang Yu
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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Graded Readers for Chinese Language Learners (Level 3) 19: The Story of Xiang Yu

Артикул: 55086
958 руб
Chen Xianchun
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Foreign learners of Chinese, overseas children of Chinese origin, ethnic minority students studying Chinese in China, and Chinese primary school students can read the story.


Following the Chen Sheng – Wu Guang Uprising, people all over the country rose against the cruel ruling of the Qin regime, among whom are Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu in Kuaiji. The two of them gathered about 8,000 rebels and crossed the river to the north. After Xiang Liang died in a battle, King Huai of Chu and the other troops made a vow that he who first entered the pass of Qin would be king. Liu Bang entered the pass first and overthrew the reign of Qin, which pissed Xiang Yu off so much so that he almost killed Liu Bang at the Hongmen banquet. A war broke out between Chu (led by Xiang Yu) and Han (led by Liu Bang), which ended in Liu Bang’s victory over Xiang Yu, who committed suicide by the side of Wujiang River.

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