Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students: Workbook 3
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 12-18 (МСК); пункт самовывоза пн-пт 11-16, сб-вс выходные
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Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students: Workbook 3

Артикул: 56861
1126 руб
Wang Yaomei
2020 (09)
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 Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students, a series of elementary and intermediate level Chinese textbooks, is consistent with the HSK Syllabus and the Final Test for the Pre-University International Students Sponsored by the Chinese Government Scholarship and shows the teaching idea of “combining learning with testing”. This series is designed for pre-university students who are going to study science, engineering or liberal arts in China. It can also be used as a Chinese teaching material for elementary and intermediate level students who come to China for long-term language training and for learners of Chinese who want to pass HSK levels 1-5.

Matching Textbook 1, Workbook 1 can be used as a practice material for unit reviews or as homework.


Wang Yaomei is the Vice Dean of the College of International Education, Shandong University and a postgraduate supervisor, who has been teaching CFL since 1987. Ms. Wang’s research areas include CFL textbooks, acquisition of Chinese as a second language, etc.


This series of textbooks can be used as a main Chinese course book for pre-university international students who are going to study science, engineering or liberal arts in China, for elementary and intermediate level students who are taking long-term language programs in China, or for Chinese language learners who are going to take the HSK test (Levels 1-5). 

16 lessons per volume, 4-5 class hours per lesson.

Matching Textbook 1, Workbook 1 can be used as a practice material for unit reviews or as homework.

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